Copy of FAQ and Specs

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Auto-Gating?

When there are bright lights in the scene, such as headlights from a car, the image can bloom. Auto-Gating will turn off the photocathode voltage for brief periods of time, imperceptible to the human eye, to keep a high resolution and clear image.

Should I chose green or white phosphor?

Both provide the same low light performance and are fast decaying phosphors -it is down to personal choice. 

Which tube shape fits my device?

We offer three drawings that will fit the vast majority of devices. Please have a look at the drawings below and double check that it matches your device. 

Do you supply other types of drawings/shapes?

Yes, we can offer almost any tube drawing that is available. Get in touch, we will need to know the tube drawing required, green or white phosphor and which grade (e.g. ECHO or XR5). 

Detailed Specifications:


Tube Shape/Colour Photonis Type Drawing  Specification
Small Anvis/Green XX0041G 183-1477A0 184-6904A2
Small Anvis/White XW0041C 183-1477A0 184-7058A1
PVS-7/Green XX0051F 183-1498A0 184-6979A1
PVS-7/White XW0051C 183-1498A0 184-7072A1



Tube Shape/Colour Photonis Type Drawing  Specification
Small Anvis/Green ZG0124B 183-0124A4 184-7386A0
Small Anvis/White ZW0124B 183-0124A4 184-7387A0
PVS-14/Green ZG0973C 183-0973A6 184-7375A0
PVS-14/White ZW0973C 183-0973A6 184-7376A0
PVS-7/White ZW1059A 183-1059A1 184-7380A0


Tube Shape/Colour Photonis Type Drawing  Specification
Small Anvis/Green ZG0124C 183-0124A4 184-7388A0
Small Anvis/White ZW0124C 183-0124A4 184-7389A0
PVS-14/Green ZG0973D 183-0973A6 184-7377A0
PVS-14/White ZW0973D 183-0973A6 184-7378A0
PVS-7/White ZW1059B 183-1059A1 184-7381A0


Tube Shape/Colour Photonis Type Drawing  Specification
Small Anvis/Green XX2540BV 183-0124A4 184-3934A2
Small Anvis/White
XW2540BF 183-0124A4 184-3788A1
PVS-14/Green XX2540MV 183-0973A6 184-6713A0
PVS-14/White XW2540BP 183-0973A6 184-4011A2
PVS-7/Green XX2550BB 183-1059A1 184-3104A4
PVS-7/White XW2550AY 183-1059A1 184-3790A3